Heartfelt Heights

it's time to Step into
your creative power


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You know that longing deep in your heart - the one that craves more than just beautiful images, but moments that resonate with the very essence of your clients' stories? I see that in you. It’s not just about capturing a smile or perfecting a pose; it’s about the connection, the unspoken bond that forms when you truly see someone for who they are. It’s that hollow feeling when a session falls flat, leaving you wondering if you’re missing something more. I know that pull toward something deeper, more meaningful, and I’m here to help you follow it. Let's talk about how we can transform your photography into a journey that not only captures moments but also tells stories that reach new soul deep and heartfelt height levels.

Take a moment and think back to the last session where you felt a stirring flutter - a fleeting moment when everything aligned perfectly, and you saw the true essence of your subjects. What made that moment so special? Was it the belly laughs, the soft embrace, or simply the way the light danced around them? Reflect on this: every heartfelt image starts with a connection, an unspoken understanding between you and your clients. It’s through welcoming the imperfect, the raw, and the real that these connections are truly captured. How would your photography transform if you saw each session as an opportunity to build those connections, to tell stories that resonate deeply, rather than just capturing a picture-perfect moment? Imagine the impact your images could have if they spoke to the heart, both yours and theirs.

you've felt the flutter

"Jayde, I cannot believe the amount of gold which you laid out at your workshop. I am going to be forever grateful for the business strategies you bought to the table - especially your initial email response. I immediately went home and implemented the very next day and started seeing results right away. I had clients letting me know that they felt so seen and heard, and booking me immediately. I also received a very lovely long email from a client who can't afford my prices but wanted to thank me so much for the response that I made to her inquiry and how she cannot wait to work with me in the future. It felt so nice not to get ghosted. Your workshop was cosy, felt more like a retreat, and honestly filled my cup and reinvigorated me after a very difficult quiet winter season. I feel equipped for busy season, but most importantly, inspired and fueled up, ready to go. Thank you for not holding back and sharing your wisdom. I'll be forever grateful!"

Stories of Transformation

Courtney Blury, Blury Photography

Not long from now, you step into a session with a calm confidence that feels almost second nature. Why? Because you’ve transformed. You’ve learned to embrace the unpredictable, to trust your intuition, and to connect with your clients on a level that goes beyond the surface. They felt truly seen and heard from your first email. In fact they booked on the spot. So the awkward moments? They don’t shake you anymore. Instead, you navigate them with grace, knowing that those genuine, heartfelt images are just a breath away. You leave every session feeling fulfilled, not just because you captured beautiful photos, but because you created an experience, a memory, for your clients that they’ll cherish forever. The transformation isn’t just in your work; it’s in you. You’ve evolved into a photographer who not only captures moments but also weaves together the stories and emotions that make those moments truly unforgettable. Clients sing praises for you, enquiries pour in, your calendar is brimming with bookings.

imagine this

"Jayde's workshop has revolutionised everything about my photography! From client experience, to mindset and thinking differently about the way I shoot to create more meaningful images. I truly feel transformed. Before the workshop I was feeling stuck and a little burnt out and it's given me a whole new energy. My clients are already commenting about how they felt seen and that I created a space for them to pause and enjoy this moment in life. I have fresh ideas and inspiration and am excited to see how this continues to grow my business in the years to come!"

Stories of Transformation

Hannah Redman

See yourself stepping into each session with ease, capturing the kind of images that not only tell a story but touch the soul. Imagine the joy of creating heartfelt memories that your clients will treasure for a lifetime. You’re not just taking photos; you’re weaving together the fabric of their most cherished moments. If you’re ready to transform your photography and create a lasting impact, now is the time. Secure your spot at the Heartfelt Heights workshop, and let’s make your vision come to life - one genuine, soul-stirring image at a time.

Part I: Foundations of Flow

Setting yourself up for success and pre and post session rituals.

Bonus: Session S.O.S.

Toubleshooting out of control and awkward moments.

Part II: Crafting Connections

Love at first email, nurturing your relationship and setting expectations and tips for on shoot day.

Part III: Prompting with Purpose

Open ended intuitive prompting for truly heartfelt images, a flexible family session workflow and troubleshooting out of control moments.

the experience

Immerse yourself in a transformative, intimate group experience with Heartfelt Heights. This workshop is designed to elevate your photography with a blend of intuitive prompting, flexible workflows, and heartfelt client connections. We will explore everything from pre-session rituals to troubleshooting, all crafted to help you create truly memorable, cup-filling client relationships and soulful images.

Q&A with Jayde

Get clarity and guidance from Jayde with this open and inclusive Q&A 

July 2024 & September 2024 BOOKED OUT!

Want in on new dates for virtual and in-person workshops - get updates here.



  • 3 hour transformative virtual workshop with a small group of 5-8
  • Printable workbook for notes and future development & exploration

paid in 2 instalments of $345

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Elevate your photography journey

Ghosted enquiry responses? Pouring your time into enquiry responses that never get replied to.

Awkward introductions? Those uneasy moments of meeting clients where you’re unsure of how to break the ice.

Session stress? Starting with a vision only for it to fall apart, leaving you feeling lost.

Freezing up? When things don’t go as planned, and you’re scrambling to regain control.

Client challenges? When a partner’s skepticism or a child’s tears threaten to derail the whole shoot. Or those mamas who want authenticity but struggle to let go and be themselves.

Post-session doubts? Walking away, questioning whether you captured anything worthwhile.

This workshop isn’t just about learning the technicalities; it’s about transforming the way you approach photography and your business from that very first interaction with your clients to beyond gallery delivery. It's about nurturing your ability to capture those genuine, soul-stirring moments that speak volumes. What would it feel like to walk away from a session, not just with beautiful images, but with the deep satisfaction of knowing you’ve connected with your clients on a meaningful level.

Does this resonate?

"Jayde, I want to thank you so much for the incredible opportunity to participate in your photography workshop today. It was an unforgettable experience! Your guidance and years of knowledge were inspiring and have helped me understand the art of capturing the perfect moment and telling a family’s story with an easy flow and without force. To let go of the expectations and just embrace the moment for what it is. Your workshop has given me more confidence with my photography skills and also inspired me to continue pursuing my passion as I was starting to doubt my ability and questioning whether I was doing the right thing. I could go on forever about today and how great it was! I am still buzzing!"

Stories of Transformation

Staci Beckman

Imagine capturing moments that resonate so deeply, they become cherished memories for a lifetime. You have the power to create that magic. Ready to truly connect with your clients and elevate your art? Secure your spot at Heartfelt Heights now, spaces are limited.

jayde x

step into your magic making power

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